This is one conversation you don't want to put off.



Join Annie Grace...

best-selling author of This Naked Mind and The Alcohol Experiment, for the most important course you’ll ever take - 

How To Talk To Your Kids About Alcohol


Have You Ever Wondered...

...what am I even supposed to tell my kids about alcohol?

...when should I start talking to my children about alcohol? do I even have this difficult conversation? can I help guide their relationship with alcohol?

...what questions might my kids have about alcohol?


...what do I tell my children about my own relationship with alcohol?


We all struggle with these questions. For such an important conversation - there’s very little guidance on the best way to start talking to your children about alcohol and even less advice on how to continue that conversation throughout their childhood. UNTIL NOW!

Build a Foundation of Trust with Your Kids

You can learn how to talk to your kids about alcohol. Without it being weird or awkward. In fact, you’ll learn how to create a relationship with your children that allows for any conversation - no matter how difficult - because you’ll have created a foundation that is built upon trust, respect, and authenticity. No matter where you are on your parenting journey or in your relationship with alcohol - this course will transform you and your children

If you’re curious about how to talk to your kids about alcohol — what to say, when to say it, and how YOU can get the conversation started (even if you’ve tried before and you’re scared to do it again), then you're in the right place.

You need to hear this. Your children need to hear this. Let's do this.

In just a few hours time, I'll show you how to talk to your kids about alcohol and how to keep them talking. Not just about alcohol but about all of the worries, struggles, and obstacles they are going to face along the way. I’ll also share with you the one book that has made the biggest impact on my relationship with my children.  

Let’s start the conversation right now!

What's Included...

Show Don't Tell...Yet Tell Everything

Children do what you do before they'll do what you say. I'll cover the best way to form a healthy perception of alcohol by demonstrating through your own actions -  in front of your children

The Illusion of Control/
Bond & Relationship First

By a certain age, we are realistically not "letting our kids" do anything. We'll dive into understanding children's independence and how we as parents can ensure that we maintain influence in their decision-making

Keep Them Talking 

Fostering a healthy relationship with your kids can help ensure continued dialogue. Learn how a "circle of trust" can help establish an environment for unlimited safe space. And the relief your kids are truly seeking.

What I Wish I Would Have Known 

This module includes my most passionate work from dialogue with children everywhere! Check out my shareable bonus videos which include the truth & science about alcohol - Empower your children with the knowledge they deserve!

On Children

I share an impactful poem that will help you look at your children in a very different way. This will no doubt influence your parenting journey. And the trust you have in your kids will be forever changed with these powerful words.


We wrap-up with a fun bonus Q&A! Get ready for some incredibly life-changing questions from parents just like you - What's in your head is in others' heads - Don't miss this powerful and important session.

There's More!

You'll also receive the following bonuses:

To the How To Talk To Your Kids About Alcohol video course. Including any new updates.
Interactive Worksheets
Designed to be completed alongside the How To Talk To Your Kids About Alcohol Course.
Private Online Community
Connect with others who are also navigating talking to their kids about alcohol in our private & exclusive community.

This course is for you if:

You've struggled with alcohol and you're not sure what to tell your kids about it

You want to create a relationship with your children that is based upon mutual respect, mutual trust, open communication

You know that this conversation is the most important talk you’ll have with your children and it can’t wait any longer

Enroll Today!
Connect deeply with your child over a subject that will greatly impact their lives. 
  • Access to 6 Course Modules with powerful content and guidance around How to Talk to Your Kids About Alcohol ($497 Value)
  • Interactive and Supplemental Worksheets to be completed alongside this course for the ability to take notes and access additional information ($197 Value)
  • Private Online Community to connect with other parents who are also navigating these tough, but important conversations with their children ($297 Value)
  • ​Lifetime Access to this incredible content and community (Priceless!)
Total Value: $991
Enroll Today for Just $77
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